this page is the most up to date list of what i'm working on, thinking about and doing right now
grew up in a northern coastal city in mainland china
graduating in 2024, perfectly missed out on the golden decade of the pc, mobile internet, and the venture capital boom
occasionally pop up in beijing, shanghai, singapore or the valley
having three cats
first participated in the bain consulting case competition, where compelling slides sparked my interest in consulting industry
interned at roland berger for six months, a challenging but rewarding journey into the management consulting
did some research on web3, the so-called next generation of the internet, then joined an internet giant from web1 for a three-month internship, worked on web2 & web3 strategic investments
pivoted my research to generative ai following the release of gpt-3.5 in november 2022, and soon after, i joined a vc internship
joined 42 capital in summer 2023 for a six-month internship, learning from the top ai founders, investors and colleagues
now focused on global software, innovative opportunities in llm & rl, and bootstrapped startups by indie makers in niche markets
i also always blog, mostly on tech, startups, and self-growth
things i like to geek out on
writing, reading, and prototyping
discovering the under-the-radar sources & signals
enjoying visualizing data and crafting slides
hanging out with interesting startup founders, creators, and hackers
generative ai, llm, software, bootstrapper
whisky & cocktail
soccer, former school team player
texas hold'em
some things i believe
most careers turn into sales jobs when you get senior enough
if you loved your work, you'd work on sundays
not to equate work with a job
to be driven by curiosity rather than careerism, to give free rein to your curiosity instead of working on what you're supposed to
different is better than better
if you do what everyone else does, you'll get the same results everyone else gets
best practices aren't always the best, by definition, they're average
ideas are dead ends, curiosity is a through street
you can copy ideas but you can't copy curiosity
10x is easier than 2x
one of the best ways to get unstuck from a problem is to imagine something an order of magnitude bigger, where you can't do the current process to do it
it doesn't to say you have to hit a 10x goal, its more the exercise of what would it take to be 10x bigger or do something 10 times better
to think differently about the problem means you have to more deeply understand the problem
we might call this first principle thinking
intellectual honesty
the best praise i've ever heard about someone was from peter fenton's remark about bill gurley, the degree to which truth comes ahead of ego or self for him